When our children are not who we expect them to be
I learnt the need to be open to his contradictions and complexity, to stop boxing him in with labels that only served my own psyche.
— Sarah Napthali, Buddhism for Mothers
Resisting the urge to go down the perimenopause research rabbit hole aka trap to some sort of wellness whatever that I need to do to stay young forever and ever. No thanks no thanks no thanks. (Permanently covering ears and going lalalalalalala.)
Started this one a long time ago. Wasn’t sure how to proceed. Looked at it today and added very little! Funny how that works.

Check the footnotes!
Catching up with a friend today and all I can think of is what am I going to say to him?
To this question, I notice themes of life is boring, nothing much, raising kids, catching up with chores in between, and the inevitable conclusion: it’s all consuming1 and because I’m not good enough2 I have nothing else to add.
Now that’s out of the way, I can relax and enjoy the morning!
Currently reading: The Atomic Bazaar by William Langewiesche 📚
(Three books in two weeks! All from the library! I’m very chuffed!)
Finished reading: Pilgrim’s Wilderness by Tom Kizzia 📚
So many themes, characters, stories within the story that I can’t quite figure out what to make of the book. Certainly took me to Alaska and illustrated small town dynamics very well!
Hit that publish key already or maybe not.
I have this hang up where I don’t post about my thinking because I’m scared to come across as righteous or that I know things in a definite + certain way. I’m unsure if this is a net positive? I’m (sort of) okay with it but it definitely limits output. Which I’m also (sort of) okay with.
Finished reading: The Adversary by Emmanuel Carrère 📚
Translated from French but still masterful — obviously well written. I can only imagine how the original reads. The subject disgusts me and yet I could not look away. Fantastic and disturbing.
There are times when life doesn’t hand you a complete PDF.
Why is this so funny to me?
From here – because I have to frankenstein 30 pdfs to one big one and why life, why.
The dahlias are still blooming. Maybe a month or so to go before they start to look daggy. It’s started though. Powdery mildew, blown centres, smaller flowers. Days are getting shorter. It’s time to start sweet peas and other hardy plants. I love this feeling of slowing down and starting again. 🌱